Theme for this year: Inspired by Memories
(Click here for hard copy of the programme which you can print for your reference)
7.00pm for 7.15pm Start (2nd Tuesday of the Month)
19th January (SUNDAY LUNCH 12.30) ~~~ Festive Meal (For Members, Regular Visitors and their Guest/s ~~ At Horseshoes, Dorrington. See/contact Carol Mainwaring to book this event.
11th February ~~ Practical Evening: Interpret the January Theme
11th March ~~~~ Demonstration by Trish Payne: "My Floral Journey"
***25th March*** ~~~ Workshop - Led by Guest Tutor Jane Williams
Vegetative Spring Design (naturalistic design that mimics the way plants grow in nature)
8th April ~~~ Mini Demonstration: Steve Jones, Shrewsbury Flower Club and Street Pastor. (Theme TBA)
PLUS Easter Club Competition & Mini Social with food nibbles
13th May ~~~~~~ Practical Evening: Interpret the April Theme
10th June ~~~~~ Talk with floral accompaniments:
Memoirs of an Accidental Birder: With Debbie Murphy & Barbara Evans
***24th June*** ~~~ Workshop - 'Wedding Flowers'. Led by Barbara Evans & Trish Payne. (Further Information to follow)
8th July ~~~~~~ Open Evening & Demonstration -- "FLOWERY ADVENTURES" by Guest NAFAS Demonstrator Lynne Williams
9th September ~~ Demonstration "Inspired by the Senses" -- By Andrea Price & Jan Roberts
14th October ~~~~ AGM & Practical Evening to Interpret the September Theme
***11th November*** ~~~ Workshop - "Alternative Flowers" - Creating Flowers from paper and 'Stockings'. Led by Julia Brayne and Andrea Price. (Further Information to follow)
25th November ~~ Seasonal Social & -- 'To create a festive door wreath'
9th December ~~ Christmas Open Evening with a Demonstration by Jane Cowan, NAFAS Regional Demonstrator: "Deck the Halls"
Past Events from Programme for your reference
14th January ~~~ Welcome to the 2025. Opening Demonstration by Barbara Evans: "Love & Marriage"